#!/bin/sh -e # Backup script to be run from pre_update_hook # Written by Markus Armbruster, 2005 # This script is in the public domain. # Use: edit configuration variables below to taste, then set # pre_update_hook = /wherever/backup # in econfig. # Rules when running as pre_update_hook: # Data directory is working directory. # stdin, stdout, stderr are redirected to /dev/null # Exit code other than zero cancels update! # # This script is as simple as possible, since failure cancels the # update. # Configuration # How to name backups # # If you back up multiple games to the same directories, better change # this to include a unique game name. # # Single name, keep just the last backup: name=data # Name with timestamp, keep all backups: #name=data-`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M` # Where to store the backups on the local machine # # Storing backups on the same machine is stupid, and on the same file # system is criminally stupid, so you better change this, unless you # copy them to another machine. local_dir=../backup # Copy backups to remote machine using SSH # # Don't copy (are you *sure* you want to be stupid?): remote_host= remote_dir= remote_email= # # Do copy: #remote_host=user@host #remote_dir=empire/backup #email=user@host # End of configuration # Create local backup directory if necessary mkdir -p $local_dir # Tar up the data directory arc=$local_dir/$name.tar.gz tar czf $arc . # Copy the backup to another machine with SSH, in the background # # The obvious method requires a key that is not protected by a # passphrase. Trusting such keys remotely is usually a bad idea, but # it might be tolerable if a special user runs the server, and that # user's privileges are carefully limited. if [ "$remote_host" ] then nohup sh -c "scp -qBp '$arc' '$remote_host:$remote_dir' 2>&1 | mail -e -s 'Empire backup save failed' '$email'" /dev/null 2>&1 & fi # # A more secure alternative is to replace the scp command by something like # ssh -q -T -o BatchMode=yes -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -i "$HOME/.ssh/empire_id_rsa" $remote_host <"$arc" # where $HOME/.ssh/empire_id_rsa contains a private key specifically # created for Empire backup, without a passphrase, and authorized_keys # on $remote_host contains the matching public key prepended by # command="cat >empire/backup/data-`/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M`.tar.gz",no-pty,no-port-forwarding