To install mapper, edit makempeg and mapper and (1) fix paths (2) change names of countries to exclude (3) add a crontab similar to the one in the file crontab.config When starting, type: make clean make color.ppm -children This directory contains a number of scripts which output PPM format files suitable for conversion to gif with the PBM utilities or MPEG with mpeg_encode. mpeg_encode is available from PBMPLUS is available from Some of the scripts (mapper in particular) depend on a country "mapper" being defined that can be logged into automatically using the Empire client eif. Modify to use the client and country name of your choice. -harmless pgmmap.awk A simple map making program. Reads a deity dump file and produces a grayscale .pgm file as output, with each color corresponding to a country number. To make a color coded map, scramble the colors. pgmfallout.awk Convert a deity census file into a PGM file with fallout levels. randppm.awk Generates random colors in a ppm file. Useful for remmapping colors from pgmmap.awk over.awk Reads in a report file and generates a text overlay of country names. Requires pbmtext (part of netpbm) to work. Modify an mpeg parameter file to use map-*.gif files as input. Reads the highest level file from the file 'frames' and skips over any file not 300-500 bytes long (in a 64x32 blitz, the .gif files should be ~400 bytes). Larger worlds may require different size limits. Disabling the size limits is not advised, as this is the only way corrupt frames are eliminated. makempeg Log into the mapper country, capture new report files, and generate a new .mpg file. Also copies map.mpg and final.gif into the web space directories so others can view them. The web copy may be commented out or modified to meet your local needs. mapper Log into mapper country and capture a map of the current owners of the world (.gif format). Games without fallout should comment out the fallmap producing line. Pushes the archived blitz records down the stack (in web space) and prints out a new .html index. -Drake (