|| planes | invalid type build p -1,1 @ | insufficient tech build p -1,1 sf | too many build p -1,1 f2 21 n | f2 needs 0.8l/0.2h/1m/4av/$40, tech 80 | asking for too high and too low tech build p -1,1 f2 1 101 build p -1,1 f2 1 79 | not an airfield, no materials, inefficient build p -1,1 f2 | Note: fractional cms are randomly rounded, which can make build | succeed, upsetting the rest of the test build p 3:5,1 f2 | insufficient materials: 1,1 short 1l/1h, 3,1 short 1m | Note: fractional cms are randomly rounded, which can make build | succeed in 1,1, upsetting the rest of the test move m -1,1 1 jh move l -1,1 1 jjh move h -1,1 1 jjh build p 1:3,1 f2 | build until out of avail/money | sectors can build 2 each, but out of money after 3 total move m -1,1 3 jh move l -1,1 4 jh move h -1,1 4 jh move m -1,1 4 jjh move l -1,1 3 jjh move h -1,1 3 jjh build p 1,1 f2 build p 1,1 f2 build p 1:3,1 f2 3 90 || show results plan * cens * ?des=* comm * ?des=*