||| fire land | land must have mil>0, glim>0, gun>0, shell>0, eff>=40, and not on carrier | || assets land * ?shell>0 lcarg * ?shell>0 | || land not firing | nonexistant land fire la 666 6,0 | foreign land fire la 13 6,0 __cmd added 1 1 0 | 100% sup fire la 9 6,0 | 39% hat fire la 1 6,0 | 40% hat, at itself fire la 2 3,1 | at sector that doesn't exist fire la 2 1,0 | at ship that doesn't exist fire la 2 666 fire la 2 19 __cmd added 1 1 0 | at valid target, but no mil lunload m 2 10 fire la 2 6,0 lload m 2 10 | likewise no guns lunload g 2 12 fire la 2 6,0 lload g 2 12 | likewise no shells lunload s 2 40 fire la 2 6,0 lload s 2 40 | likewise on ship load land 8 2 fire la 2 6,0 unload land 8 2 | likewise on land lload land 8 2 fire la 2 6,0 lunload land 8 2 | show mission miss l * ?mission#0 q __cmd added 1 2 0 | || land firing nowhere (shells consumed) | 100% hat | at sea out of range fire la 3 -12,0 | at ship out of range fire la 3 0 | at sub, server pretends out of range fire la 3 13 | likewise in port fire la 3 12 | || land firing at bogus target | 100% hat | at sea fire la 3 6,0 | at sanctuary fire la 3 2,-2 | || land firing at undefended target | 100% hat with one gun | at empty highway lunload g 4 -1 fire la 4 0,2 lload g 4 11 | likewise one shell (take care to avoid automatic supply) lunload s 4 -1 lload s 3 40 fire la 4 0,2 lunload s 3 35 lload s 4 35 | 40% hat fire la 2 0,2 | 100% hat fire la 4 0,2 | 100% hat | at sector, fractional range, ~50% chance __cmd added -1 -1 0 fire la 5 0,2 fire la 5 0,2 fire la 5 0,2 fire la 5 0,2 fire la 5 0,2 fire la 5 0,2 | || show shell use lcarg * ?shell>0