||| General load / unload rules | | only harbor and city with at least 2% efficiency can work | odd: even non-canal ships work in c | only own and friendly ships / lands in own sectors can load | planes / lands loaded onto friendly ships / lands are given away, | just like commodities | only own ships / lands in own and friendly sectors can unload | planes / lands unloaded in friendly sectors are given away, | just like commodities | only own and allied lands in own sectors can load | only own land in own and allied sectors can unload | | sector matrix: (2% h, 0% h, 2% c, 0% c, 100% +) | * (own, allied, friendly, neutral, unowned | only 2% h and 2% c can work | | ships (own unless stated otherwise) | ls#0/.../24 (fleet a) spread over the sector matrix | fb#25/.../34 (fleet a) spread over the sector matrix's cities | cs#80 is in occupied harbor | cs#81/82 are in old-owned harbor | cs#85 is allied, and the ally is the harbor's old owner | cs#86 is allied and in old-owned harbor | cs#87 is in allied occupied harbor, old owner matches ship owner | ls#90/92/93/94 (fleet b) are owned by #0/2/3/4 and in own harbor | ls#95 (fleet b) is at sea | cal#100/mb#101/cs#105 plane carriers, cap. plane, miss, full | cs#105 full of planes | frg#110/sb#111/cs#112/sbc#113 land carriers, sub x supply | cs#115 full of lands | | lands: | linf#0/.../24 (army A) next to fleet a | linf#25/.../29 (army A) next to fleet a in 2% h, owned by sector owner | linf#30/.../34 (army C) next to army a | linf#35/.../39 (army C) next to army a, owned by sector owner | tra#50/.../54 (army a) spread over sector matrix 2% h | sup#80 is in occupied harbor | sup#81/82 are in old-owned harbor | tra#90/92/93/94 (army b) are owned by #0/2/3/4 in own harbor | rad#100/105 plane carriers, empty and full | tra#110/115 land carriers, empty and full | rad#120/.../133 riding cs#115 and tra#115 | linf#140/.../143 next to land carriers, light | hat#150/.../152 next to land carriers, neither light nor heavy | tra#160 next to land carriers, heavy | spy#170/.../174 next to land carriers, spy | linf#180/.../204 (army B) riding fleet a | linf#210/212/213/214 next to fleet b | linf#222/223/224/225 (army B) riding fleet b | linf#230/.../234 (army D) riding army a | linf#240/242/243/244 next to army b | linf#252/253/254 riding army b | | planes: | sam#0/.../24 (wing A) next to fleet a | sam#25/.../29 (wing A) next to fleet a in 2% h, owned by sector owner | sam#30/.../34 (wing C) next to army a | sam#35/.../39 (wing C) next to army a, owned by sector owner | sam#40/.../56 (wing E) next to plane carriers, x-light | sam#57/58 riding ship#105, land#105 | sam#59 next to plane carriers, hardened | nc#60/.../89 (wing K) next to plane carriers, helo | mi#90/.../109 (wing M) next to plane carriers, light missile | f2#110/.../139 (wing F) next to plane carriers, light fixed-wing | zep#140 next to plane carriers, non-light fixed-wing | sam#150/.../174 (wing B) riding fleet a | sam#180/182/183/184 next to fleet b | sam#192/193/194/195 (wing B) riding fleet b | sam#200/.../204 (wing D) riding army a | sam#210/.../210 next to army b | sam#222/223/224 (wing D) riding army b | sam#230/231 riding and next to rad#121 | sam#232/233 riding and next to rad#122 | ||| load / unload commodities | || general sanity | invalid commodity load x lload x unload x lunload x | invalid ship load f -1 unload f -1 | invalid land lload f -1 lunload f -1 | invalid amount | impossible, as crap is mapped to zero | || no ships / lands match load f n unload f n lload f n lunload f n | || ships loading commodities with load | list of own and foreign ships: #0/15/25/92/93 work load f 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33/34/90/92/93/94/95 0 load f 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33/34/90/92/93/94/95 1 | group: #0/15/25 work load f a 1 load f b 1 | area: #0/15/25 work realm 1 0:9,0:5 load f #1 1 load f 0:9,0:5 1 load f -1:9,0:5 1 | load to desired level rather than an amount | list of own and foreign ships: #0/15/25/92/93 work load f 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33/34/90/92/93/94/95 -6 | group: #0/15/25 work load f a -7 load f b -7 | own and occupied civilians, own and oldown's ship: #81/85 work load c 80/81/85/86/87 1 | || ships loading commodities with unload | only own ships in own sectors can work (even though we actually load) | list of own and foreign ships: #0/15/25 work unload f 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33/34/90/92/93/94/95 -8 | group: #0/15/25 work unload f a -9 unload f b -9 | own and occupied civilians, own and oldown's ship: #81 works unload c 80/81/85/86/87 -12 | || lands loading commodities with lload | list of own and foreign lands: #50/92 work lload f 50/51/52/53/54/90/92/93/94 0 lload f 50/51/52/53/54/90/92/93/94 1 | group: #50 works lload f a 1 lload f b 1 | while on a ship or land | BUG: land #185/190/200 can load even though their carrier can't | list: #180/195/230/222/252 work lload f 180/181/182/183/184/185/186/187/188/189/190/191/192/193/194/195/196/197/198/199/200/201/202/203/204/230/231/232/233/234/222/223/224/225/252/253/254 0 lload f 180/181/182/183/184/185/186/187/188/189/190/191/192/193/194/195/196/197/198/199/200/201/202/203/204/230/231/232/233/234/222/223/224/225/252/253/254 1 | group: #180/195/230 work lload f B 1 lload f D 1 | area: none of army b works lload f #1 1 ?army=b lload f 0:9,0:5 1 ?army=b lload f -0:9,0:5 1 ?army=b | | load to desired level rather than an amount | list of own and foreign lands: #50/92 work lload f 50/51/52/53/54/90/92/93/94 -6 | group: #50 works lload f a -7 lload f b -7 | while on a ship or land | BUG: land #185/190/200 can load even though their carrier can't | list: #180/195/230/222/252 work lload f 180/181/182/183/184/185/186/187/188/189/190/191/192/193/194/195/196/197/198/199/200/201/202/203/204/230/231/232/233/234/222/223/224/225/252/253/254 -6 | group: #180/195/230 work lload f B -7 lload f D -7 | own and occupied civilians, own and oldown's land | TODO need a land unit that can carry c to test this | || lands loading commodities with lunload | only own lands in own sectors can work (even though we actually load) | list of own and foreign lands: #50 works lunload f 50/51/52/53/54/90/92/93/94 -8 | group: #50 works lunload f a -9 lunload f b -9 | while on a ship or land | BUG: land #185/190/200 can load even though their carrier can't | list: #180/195/230 work lunload f 180/181/182/183/184/185/186/187/188/189/190/191/192/193/194/195/196/197/198/199/200/201/202/203/204/230/231/232/233/234/222/223/224/225/252/253/254 -8 | group: #180/195/230 work lunload f B -9 lunload f D -9 | own and occupied civilians, own and oldown's land | TODO need a land unit that can carry c to test this | || ships unloading commodities with load | only own ships in own sectors can work (even though we actually unload) | list of own and foreign ships: #0/15/25 work load m 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33/34/90/92/93/94/95 -5 | group: #0/15/25 work load m a -4 load m b -4 | own and occupied civilians, own and oldown's ship: #81 works load c 80/81/85/86/87 -1 | || ships unloading commodities with unload | list of own and foreign ships: #0/1/2/15/16/17/25/26/27 work unload m 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33/34/90/92/93/94/95 -3 | group: #0/1/2/15/16/17/25/26/27 work unload m a -2 unload m b -2 | unload to desired level rather than an amount | list of own and foreign ships: #0/1/2/15/16/17/25/26/27 work unload m 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33/34/90/92/93/94/95 0 unload m 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33/34/90/92/93/94/95 1 | group: #0/1/2/15/16/17/25/26/27 work unload m a 1 unload m b 1 | own and occupied civilians, own and oldown's ship: #81 works unload c 80/81/85/86/87 1 | || lands unloading commodities with lload | list of own and foreign lands: #50 works lload m 50/51/52/53/54/90/92/93/94 -5 | group: #50 works lload m a -4 lload m b -4 | while on a ship or land | BUG: land #185/190/200 can load even though their carrier can't | list: #180/195/230 work lload m 180/181/182/183/184/185/186/187/188/189/190/191/192/193/194/195/196/197/198/199/200/201/202/203/204/230/231/232/233/234/222/223/224/225/252/253/254 -5 | group: #180/195/230 work lload m B -4 lload m D -4 | own and occupied civilians, own and oldown's land | TODO need a land unit that can carry c to test this | || lands unloading commodities with lunload | list of own and foreign lands: #50/51 work lunload m 50/51/52/53/54/90/92/93/94 -3 | group: #50/51 work lunload m a -2 lunload m b -2 | while on a ship or land | BUG: land #185/186/190/191/200/201 can load even though their carrier can't | list: #180/181/195/196/230/231 work lunload m 180/181/182/183/184/185/186/187/188/189/190/191/192/193/194/195/196/197/198/199/200/201/202/203/204/230/231/232/233/234/222/223/224/225/252/253/254 -3 | group: #180/181/195/196/230/231 work lunload m B -2 lunload m D -2 | | unload amount rather than to desired level | list of own and foreign lands: #50/51 work lunload m 50/51/52/53/54/90/92/93/94 0 lunload m 50/51/52/53/54/90/92/93/94 1 | group: #50/51 work lunload m a 1 lunload m b 1 | while on a ship or land | BUG: land #185/186/190/191/200/201 can load even though their carrier can't | list: #180/181/195/196/230/231 work lunload m 180/181/182/183/184/185/186/187/188/189/190/191/192/193/194/195/196/197/198/199/200/201/202/203/204/230/231/232/233/234/222/223/224/225/252/253/254 0 lunload m 180/181/182/183/184/185/186/187/188/189/190/191/192/193/194/195/196/197/198/199/200/201/202/203/204/230/231/232/233/234/222/223/224/225/252/253/254 1 | group: #180/181/195/196/230/231 work lunload m B 1 lunload m D 1 | own and occupied civilians, own and oldown's land | TODO need a land unit that can carry c to test this | || load / unload something the ship/land can't hold load i 80 1 unload i 80 1 lload c 81 1 lunload c 81 1 | || load more than sector has | with load load s 80 10 load s 80 10 load s 81 -10 load s 81 -10 | with unload unload s 82 -10 unload s 82 -10 | with lload lload g 80 10 lload g 80 10 lload g 81 -10 lload g 81 -10 | with lunload lunload g 82 -10 lunload g 82 -10 | || unload more than ship/land has | with unload unload s 80 10 unload s 80 10 | with lunload lunload g 80 10 lunload g 80 10 | || load more than ship/land can hold | with load load m 80 100 load m 80 100 load m 81 -100 load m 81 -100 | with unload unload m 82 -100 unload m 82 -100 | with lload lload b 80 20 lload b 80 20 lload b 81 -20 lload b 81 -20 | with lunload lunload b 82 -20 lunload b 82 -20 | || unload more than sector can hold | with load load l 80 -1 load l 80 -1 | with unload unload l 81 -1 unload l 81 -1 unload l 82 100 unload l 82 100 | with lload lload i 80 -1 lload i 80 -1 | with lunload lunload i 81 -1 lunload i 81 -1 lunload i 82 100 lunload i 82 100 | || interactive load x load f -1 load f 80/81 x 1 lunload h 80/81/82 x 0 1 | ||| load / unload planes | || general sanity | invalid ship load plane -1 unload plane -1 | invalid plane lload plane -1 lunload plane -1 | invalid plane to load / unload load plane 100 -1 unload plane 100 -1 lload plane 100 -1 lunload plane 100 -1 | || no ships / lands match load plane n unload plane n lload plane n lunload plane n | || ships loading planes | ships #0/15/92/93 work load plane a A load plane 90 180 load plane 92 182 load plane 93 183 load plane 94 184 | || ships unloading planes | ships #0/1/2/15/16/17 work unload plane a B unload plane b B | || ships that can't load | not capable load plane 25 unload plane 25 | no room load plane 105 | || planes that can't be loaded | no planes match load plane 100 n | not capable: non-light fixed-wing load plane 100 140 | already loaded load plane 100 57/58 | hardened missile load plane 101 59 | || ships' plane load limits | can't carry helo load plane 101 60 | can't carry x-light | TODO need a ship that can't carry xlight, but can carry helo | (must be helo because x-light can use missile and fixed-wing slots) | can't carry light missiles load plane 80 90 | can't carry light planes load plane 101 110 | no room for light plane (loads first 20) load plane 100 F | no room for helo (loads first 20) load plane 100 K | no room for x-light (loads first 4) load plane 100 E | no room for light missile (loads first 10) load plane 101 M | helo can use fixed-wing slot unload plane 100 110 load plane 100 80/81 | x-light can use missile slot unload plane 101 90 load plane 101 44/45 | plane carrier can load missile instead of fixed-wing plane unload plane 100 111 load plane 100 100/101 | || lands loading planes | land #50/92 work lload plane a C lload plane 90 210 lload plane 92 212 lload plane 93 213 lload plane 94 214 | while on a ship or land lload plane 121/123 231/233 | || land unloading planes | lands #50/51 work lunload plane a D lunload plane b D | while on a ship or land lunload plane 120/122 230/232 | || lands that can't load | not capable lload plane 0 lunload plane 0 | no room lload plane 105 | || planes that can't be loaded | no planes match lload plane 100 n | not capable: non-xlight lload plane 100 99 | already loaded lload plane 100 57/58 | hardened missile lload plane 100 59 | || lands' plane load limits | can't carry x-light implies can't carry any, covered above | no room for x-light plane (loads first one) lload plane 100 E | || interactive load plane ! load plane 80/81 * * unload plane 80 * lunload plane 100/105 x * lload plane 105 * | ||| load / unload lands | || general sanity | invalid ship load land -1 unload land -1 | invalid land lload land -1 lunload land -1 | invalid land to load / unload load land 110 -1 unload land 110 -1 lload land 110 -1 lunload land 110 -1 | || no ships / lands match load land n unload land n lload land n lunload land n | || ships loading lands | ships #0/15/92/93 work load land a A load land 90 210 load land 92 212 load land 93 213 load land 94 214 | || ships unloading lands | ships #0/1/2/15/16/17 work unload land a B unload land b B | || ships that can't load | not capable load land 25 unload land 25 | no room load land 115 | || lands that can't be loaded | no lands match load land 110 n | not capable: heavy load land 110 160 | already loaded load land 110 120/122 | carrying units | TODO need a non-heavy land that can carry lands to test this | carrying civilians, onto foreign ship | TODO need a land unit that can carry c to test this | || lands that can't be unloaded | carrying foreign civilians | TODO need a land unit that can carry c to test this | || ships' land load limits | can't carry non-light load land 110/113 150 | can't carry light (only spies) load land 111/113 140 | no room for non-light (loads first 2) load land 112 150/151/152 | no room for light (loads first 2) load land 110 140/141/142 | no room for spy (loads first 2 on 1st ship, 3rd on 2nd ship) load land 111/113 170/171/172 | The "already on ship" messages for units loaded on first ship aren't nice | light can use non-light slot unload land 112 150 load land 112 142/143 | spy can use light and non-light slot unload land 110/112 140/142 load land 110/112 173/174 | || lands loading lands | land #50/92 works lload land a C lload land 90 240 lload land 92 242 lload land 93 243 lload land 94 244 | || lands unloading lands | lands #50/51 work lunload land a D lunload land b D | || lands that can't load | not capable lload land 0 lunload land 0 | while on a ship or land | TODO need a non-heavy land that can carry lands to test this | no room lload land 115 | || lands that can't be loaded | no lands match lload land 110 n | not capable: carrying units, heavy lload land 110 115/160 | already loaded lload land 110 120/122 | carrying units | TODO need a non-heavy land that can carry lands to test this | can't load self lload land 110 110 | carrying civilians, onto foreign land | TODO need a land unit that can carry c to test this | || lands that can't be unloaded | carrying foreign civilians | TODO need a land unit that can carry c to test this | || lands' land load limits | no room (loads first one) lunload land 115 130 lload land 115 143/130 | || interactive lload land ! lunload land 115 131/132 lload land 50/110/115 132/131 132/131 x