||| General tend rules | | tender and target must be in the same sector | only own ships can tend | only own and friendly ships can be tended to | a ship doesn't tend to itself | | ships (in 1,-1 unless stated otherwise) | cs#150/.../153 (fleet t) | cs#160/162/163/164 (fleet u) in 0,-2, owned by #0/2/3/4 | ls#165 | cs#166 in 0,-2 | frg#170/sb#171/cs#172/sbc#173 land tendees, sub x supply | cs#175 land tendee | | lands: | sup#300/linf#301/302/303/hat#304 (army t) riding fleet t | linf#312/231/314 (army u) riding fleet u | linf#315/316/317 riding ls#165 | spy#320/321/323 (army s) riding ls#165 | linf#330/331 riding cs#166 | ||| tend commodities | || general sanity | invalid commodity tend x | invalid tender tend f -1 | no tenders match tend f n | foreign tender tend f 160/162/163/164 | invalid amount | impossible, as crap is mapped to zero | invalid target tend f 150 1 -1 | no targets match tend f 150 1 n | || tender/target pairs that can't | targeting self: tend f 150 1 150 | target not in same sector: tend f 150 1 0 | || from own ships to own ships: | #150/151 give 4m each | #150/151 receive 1m each, #152/153/154 2m tend m 150/151 1 t | likewise, civilians: same result tend c 150/151 1 t | likewise, zero amount: fails tend m 150/151 0 t | likewise, negative amount: | #150/151 receive 4m each | #150/151 give 1m each, #152/153/154 2m tend u 150/151 -1 t || from own ships to foreign ships: | list: #166 give 2f, #162/163 receive 1f each tend f 166 1 160/162/163/164 | group: same | odd: can use foreign fleet assignment tend f 166 1 u | area: same realm 2 0,-2 tend f 166 1 #2 tend f 166 1 0,-2 tend f 166 1 -1:1,-2 | civilians don't work: tend c 166 1 160/162/163/164 | negative amount doesn't work: tend f 160/162/163/164 -1 166 || from foreign ships to own ships doesn't work: tend f 166 -1 160/162/163/164 | || tend something the tender can't hold tend h 170/171 1 150 tend h 150 -1 170/171 | || tend something the tender doesn't have tend h 150/152 1 151 tend h 151 -1 150/152 | || tend something the target can't hold tend u 150 1 170/171 tend u 170/171 -1 150 | || tend more than the tender has | #150 gives 7s, #152 gives 9s | #150 receives 5s, #151 9s, #152 receives 2s tend s 150/152 5 t | #152/154 give 7s each, #150 receives 10s, #151 receive 4s tend s t -5 153/154 | || tend more then the target can hold | #151 gives 5g, #152 gives 3g | #150 receives 8g tend g t 5 150 | #150 gives 8g to #153 tend g 153 -40 t | || interactive tend x tend f -1 tend f 150 x tend f 150/151 1 153 -1 154 | ||| tend lands | || general sanity | invalid tender tend land -1 | foreign tender tend land 160/162/163/164 | invalid land tend land 150 -1 | invalid target tend land 151 301 -1 | || tender/target pairs that can't | no ships match tend land n tend land 151 301 n | targeting self: tend land 151 301 151 | target not friendly tend land 166 330 164 | target not in same sector tend land 151 301 0 | || lands that can't be tended | no lands match tend land 150 n 151 | not capable: lacks assault (#300) tend land 150 * 151 | not on tender tend land 150 301 150 | carrying civilians, to foreign ship | TODO need a land unit that can carry c to test this | || target's load limits | can't carry non-light | TODO need a non-light assault land unit to test this | can't carry light (only spies) tend land 151 301 171/173 | no room for non-light | TODO need a non-light assault land unit to test this | no room for light (transfers first 2) tend land t 301/302/303 170 | usability: useless "not on this ship" complaints | no room for spy (transfers first 2) tend land 165 320/321/322 171 tend land 165/171 s 173 | spy can use light and non-light slot tend land 173 s 150/165 | || to foreign ships tend land 166 330 162 tend land 166 331 163 | || interactive tend land ! tend land -1 tend land 165 -1 tend land 165 322 -1 tend land 165 322 172