||| General ltend rules | | tender must have target loaded | only own ships can ltend | | ships: | cs#200/201 (fleet T) | | lands: | sup#350/351 riding fleet T | ||| ltend commodities | || general sanity | invalid commodity ltend x | invalid ship ltend f -1 | no ships match ltend f n | foreign tender ltend f 212 | invalid amount | impossible, as crap is mapped to zero | invalid target tend f 200 1 -1 | no targets match ltend f 200 1 n | || lands that can't be tended ltend f 200 1 26 | not on ship ltend f 200 1 0 | || from ship to land | something the ship can't hold ltend i 200/201 1 350/352 | something the land can't hold ltend c 200/201 1 350/352 | something the ship doesn't have ltend h 200/201 1 350/352 | zero amount: ltend f 200/201 0 350/351//352 __cmd added 0 -1 0 | more than the ship has ltend s 200/201 5 350/351/352 | more than the land can hold ltend g 200/201 21 350/352 | || from land to ship | something the ship can't hold ltend i 200/201 -1 350/352 | something the land can't hold ltend c 200/201 -1 350/352 | something the land doesn't have ltend l 200/201 -1 350/352 | more than the land has ltend s 200/201 -20 351/352 | more than the ship can hold ltend m 200/201 -25 350/351/352 | || interactive ltend x ltend f -1 ltend f 200/201 1 350/351 -1 350