]> git.pond.sub.org Git - eow/blob - static/dojo-release-1.1.1/dojo/dnd/Selector.js
add Dojo 1.1.1
[eow] / static / dojo-release-1.1.1 / dojo / dnd / Selector.js
1 if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.dnd.Selector"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
2 dojo._hasResource["dojo.dnd.Selector"] = true;
3 dojo.provide("dojo.dnd.Selector");
5 dojo.require("dojo.dnd.common");
6 dojo.require("dojo.dnd.Container");
8 /*
9         Container item states:
10                 ""                      - an item is not selected
11                 "Selected"      - an item is selected
12                 "Anchor"        - an item is selected, and is an anchor for a "shift" selection
13 */
15 dojo.declare("dojo.dnd.Selector", dojo.dnd.Container, {
16         // summary: a Selector object, which knows how to select its children
18         constructor: function(node, params){
19                 // summary: a constructor of the Selector
20                 // node: Node: node or node's id to build the selector on
21                 // params: Object: a dict of parameters, recognized parameters are:
22                 //      singular: Boolean: allows selection of only one element, if true
23                 //      the rest of parameters are passed to the container
24                 if(!params){ params = {}; }
25                 this.singular = params.singular;
26                 // class-specific variables
27                 this.selection = {};
28                 this.anchor = null;
29                 this.simpleSelection = false;
30                 // set up events
31                 this.events.push(
32                         dojo.connect(this.node, "onmousedown", this, "onMouseDown"),
33                         dojo.connect(this.node, "onmouseup",   this, "onMouseUp"));
34         },
36         // object attributes (for markup)
37         singular: false,        // is singular property
39         // methods
40         getSelectedNodes: function(){
41                 // summary: returns a list (an array) of selected nodes
42                 var t = new dojo.NodeList();
43                 var e = dojo.dnd._empty;
44                 for(var i in this.selection){
45                         if(i in e){ continue; }
46                         t.push(dojo.byId(i));
47                 }
48                 return t;       // Array
49         },
50         selectNone: function(){
51                 // summary: unselects all items
52                 return this._removeSelection()._removeAnchor(); // self
53         },
54         selectAll: function(){
55                 // summary: selects all items
56                 this.forInItems(function(data, id){
57                         this._addItemClass(dojo.byId(id), "Selected");
58                         this.selection[id] = 1;
59                 }, this);
60                 return this._removeAnchor();    // self
61         },
62         deleteSelectedNodes: function(){
63                 // summary: deletes all selected items
64                 var e = dojo.dnd._empty;
65                 for(var i in this.selection){
66                         if(i in e){ continue; }
67                         var n = dojo.byId(i);
68                         this.delItem(i);
69                         dojo._destroyElement(n);
70                 }
71                 this.anchor = null;
72                 this.selection = {};
73                 return this;    // self
74         },
75         insertNodes: function(addSelected, data, before, anchor){
76                 // summary: inserts new data items (see Container's insertNodes method for details)
77                 // addSelected: Boolean: all new nodes will be added to selected items, if true, no selection change otherwise
78                 // data: Array: a list of data items, which should be processed by the creator function
79                 // before: Boolean: insert before the anchor, if true, and after the anchor otherwise
80                 // anchor: Node: the anchor node to be used as a point of insertion
81                 var oldCreator = this._normalizedCreator;
82                 this._normalizedCreator = function(item, hint){
83                         var t = oldCreator.call(this, item, hint);
84                         if(addSelected){
85                                 if(!this.anchor){
86                                         this.anchor = t.node;
87                                         this._removeItemClass(t.node, "Selected");
88                                         this._addItemClass(this.anchor, "Anchor");
89                                 }else if(this.anchor != t.node){
90                                         this._removeItemClass(t.node, "Anchor");
91                                         this._addItemClass(t.node, "Selected");
92                                 }
93                                 this.selection[t.node.id] = 1;
94                         }else{
95                                 this._removeItemClass(t.node, "Selected");
96                                 this._removeItemClass(t.node, "Anchor");
97                         }
98                         return t;
99                 };
100                 dojo.dnd.Selector.superclass.insertNodes.call(this, data, before, anchor);
101                 this._normalizedCreator = oldCreator;
102                 return this;    // self
103         },
104         destroy: function(){
105                 // summary: prepares the object to be garbage-collected
106                 dojo.dnd.Selector.superclass.destroy.call(this);
107                 this.selection = this.anchor = null;
108         },
110         // markup methods
111         markupFactory: function(params, node){
112                 params._skipStartup = true;
113                 return new dojo.dnd.Selector(node, params);
114         },
116         // mouse events
117         onMouseDown: function(e){
118                 // summary: event processor for onmousedown
119                 // e: Event: mouse event
120                 if(!this.current){ return; }
121                 if(!this.singular && !dojo.dnd.getCopyKeyState(e) && !e.shiftKey && (this.current.id in this.selection)){
122                         this.simpleSelection = true;
123                         dojo.stopEvent(e);
124                         return;
125                 }
126                 if(!this.singular && e.shiftKey){
127                         if(!dojo.dnd.getCopyKeyState(e)){
128                                 this._removeSelection();
129                         }
130                         var c = this.getAllNodes();
131                         if(c.length){
132                                 if(!this.anchor){
133                                         this.anchor = c[0];
134                                         this._addItemClass(this.anchor, "Anchor");
135                                 }
136                                 this.selection[this.anchor.id] = 1;
137                                 if(this.anchor != this.current){
138                                         var i = 0;
139                                         for(; i < c.length; ++i){
140                                                 var node = c[i];
141                                                 if(node == this.anchor || node == this.current){ break; }
142                                         }
143                                         for(++i; i < c.length; ++i){
144                                                 var node = c[i];
145                                                 if(node == this.anchor || node == this.current){ break; }
146                                                 this._addItemClass(node, "Selected");
147                                                 this.selection[node.id] = 1;
148                                         }
149                                         this._addItemClass(this.current, "Selected");
150                                         this.selection[this.current.id] = 1;
151                                 }
152                         }
153                 }else{
154                         if(this.singular){
155                                 if(this.anchor == this.current){
156                                         if(dojo.dnd.getCopyKeyState(e)){
157                                                 this.selectNone();
158                                         }
159                                 }else{
160                                         this.selectNone();
161                                         this.anchor = this.current;
162                                         this._addItemClass(this.anchor, "Anchor");
163                                         this.selection[this.current.id] = 1;
164                                 }
165                         }else{
166                                 if(dojo.dnd.getCopyKeyState(e)){
167                                         if(this.anchor == this.current){
168                                                 delete this.selection[this.anchor.id];
169                                                 this._removeAnchor();
170                                         }else{
171                                                 if(this.current.id in this.selection){
172                                                         this._removeItemClass(this.current, "Selected");
173                                                         delete this.selection[this.current.id];
174                                                 }else{
175                                                         if(this.anchor){
176                                                                 this._removeItemClass(this.anchor, "Anchor");
177                                                                 this._addItemClass(this.anchor, "Selected");
178                                                         }
179                                                         this.anchor = this.current;
180                                                         this._addItemClass(this.current, "Anchor");
181                                                         this.selection[this.current.id] = 1;
182                                                 }
183                                         }
184                                 }else{
185                                         if(!(this.current.id in this.selection)){
186                                                 this.selectNone();
187                                                 this.anchor = this.current;
188                                                 this._addItemClass(this.current, "Anchor");
189                                                 this.selection[this.current.id] = 1;
190                                         }
191                                 }
192                         }
193                 }
194                 dojo.stopEvent(e);
195         },
196         onMouseUp: function(e){
197                 // summary: event processor for onmouseup
198                 // e: Event: mouse event
199                 if(!this.simpleSelection){ return; }
200                 this.simpleSelection = false;
201                 this.selectNone();
202                 if(this.current){
203                         this.anchor = this.current;
204                         this._addItemClass(this.anchor, "Anchor");
205                         this.selection[this.current.id] = 1;
206                 }
207         },
208         onMouseMove: function(e){
209                 // summary: event processor for onmousemove
210                 // e: Event: mouse event
211                 this.simpleSelection = false;
212         },
214         // utilities
215         onOverEvent: function(){
216                 // summary: this function is called once, when mouse is over our container
217                 this.onmousemoveEvent = dojo.connect(this.node, "onmousemove", this, "onMouseMove");
218         },
219         onOutEvent: function(){
220                 // summary: this function is called once, when mouse is out of our container
221                 dojo.disconnect(this.onmousemoveEvent);
222                 delete this.onmousemoveEvent;
223         },
224         _removeSelection: function(){
225                 // summary: unselects all items
226                 var e = dojo.dnd._empty;
227                 for(var i in this.selection){
228                         if(i in e){ continue; }
229                         var node = dojo.byId(i);
230                         if(node){ this._removeItemClass(node, "Selected"); }
231                 }
232                 this.selection = {};
233                 return this;    // self
234         },
235         _removeAnchor: function(){
236                 if(this.anchor){
237                         this._removeItemClass(this.anchor, "Anchor");
238                         this.anchor = null;
239                 }
240                 return this;    // self
241         }
242 });
244 }