]> git.pond.sub.org Git - eow/blob - static/dojo-release-1.1.1/dojox/collections/ArrayList.js
add Dojo 1.1.1
[eow] / static / dojo-release-1.1.1 / dojox / collections / ArrayList.js
1 if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.collections.ArrayList"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
2 dojo._hasResource["dojox.collections.ArrayList"] = true;
3 dojo.provide("dojox.collections.ArrayList");
4 dojo.require("dojox.collections._base");
6 dojox.collections.ArrayList=function(/* array? */arr){
7         //      summary
8         //      Returns a new object of type dojox.collections.ArrayList
9         var items=[];
10         if(arr) items=items.concat(arr);
11         this.count=items.length;
12         this.add=function(/* object */obj){
13                 //      summary
14                 //      Add an element to the collection.
15                 items.push(obj);
16                 this.count=items.length;
17         };
18         this.addRange=function(/* array */a){
19                 //      summary
20                 //      Add a range of objects to the ArrayList
21                 if(a.getIterator){
22                         var e=a.getIterator();
23                         while(!e.atEnd()){
24                                 this.add(e.get());
25                         }
26                         this.count=items.length;
27                 }else{
28                         for(var i=0; i<a.length; i++){
29                                 items.push(a[i]);
30                         }
31                         this.count=items.length;
32                 }
33         };
34         this.clear=function(){
35                 //      summary
36                 //      Clear all elements out of the collection, and reset the count.
37                 items.splice(0, items.length);
38                 this.count=0;
39         };
40         this.clone=function(){
41                 //      summary
42                 //      Clone the array list
43                 return new dojox.collections.ArrayList(items);  //      dojox.collections.ArrayList
44         };
45         this.contains=function(/* object */obj){
46                 //      summary
47                 //      Check to see if the passed object is a member in the ArrayList
48                 for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
49                         if(items[i] == obj) {
50                                 return true;    //      bool
51                         }
52                 }
53                 return false;   //      bool
54         };
55         this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){
56                 //      summary
57                 //      functional iterator, following the mozilla spec.
58                 dojo.forEach(items, fn, scope);
59         };
60         this.getIterator=function(){
61                 //      summary
62                 //      Get an Iterator for this object
63                 return new dojox.collections.Iterator(items);   //      dojox.collections.Iterator
64         };
65         this.indexOf=function(/* object */obj){
66                 //      summary
67                 //      Return the numeric index of the passed object; will return -1 if not found.
68                 for(var i=0; i < items.length; i++){
69                         if(items[i] == obj) {
70                                 return i;       //      int
71                         }
72                 }
73                 return -1;      // int
74         };
75         this.insert=function(/* int */ i, /* object */ obj){
76                 //      summary
77                 //      Insert the passed object at index i
78                 items.splice(i,0,obj);
79                 this.count=items.length;
80         };
81         this.item=function(/* int */ i){
82                 //      summary
83                 //      return the element at index i
84                 return items[i];        //      object
85         };
86         this.remove=function(/* object */obj){
87                 //      summary
88                 //      Look for the passed object, and if found, remove it from the internal array.
89                 var i=this.indexOf(obj);
90                 if(i >=0) {
91                         items.splice(i,1);
92                 }
93                 this.count=items.length;
94         };
95         this.removeAt=function(/* int */ i){
96                 //      summary
97                 //      return an array with function applied to all elements
98                 items.splice(i,1);
99                 this.count=items.length;
100         };
101         this.reverse=function(){
102                 //      summary
103                 //      Reverse the internal array
104                 items.reverse();
105         };
106         this.sort=function(/* function? */ fn){
107                 //      summary
108                 //      sort the internal array
109                 if(fn){
110                         items.sort(fn);
111                 }else{
112                         items.sort();
113                 }
114         };
115         this.setByIndex=function(/* int */ i, /* object */ obj){
116                 //      summary
117                 //      Set an element in the array by the passed index.
118                 items[i]=obj;
119                 this.count=items.length;
120         };
121         this.toArray=function(){
122                 //      summary
123                 //      Return a new array with all of the items of the internal array concatenated.
124                 return [].concat(items);
125         }
126         this.toString=function(/* string */ delim){
127                 //      summary
128                 //      implementation of toString, follows [].toString();
129                 return items.join((delim||","));
130         };
131 };
133 }