On COMET w/ hunchentoot: http://common-lisp.net/pipermail/tbnl-devel/2009-February/004620.html I have a working comet system using Hunchentoot. The basic way I'm operating is to have the browser contact the hunchentoot server and the server thread waits on a semaphore. Any other thread can then release the semaphore and cause a reply back to the browser. Hope this helps. I am only using this for development purposes, as I have been having problems with certain browsers, and this will also occupy one of the available browser requests, where many browsers have a very small number available. (defun kill-comet-thread (thread) (warn "KILLING COMET THREAD: ~a" thread) (ignore-errors (destroy-thread thread))) (defun handle-comet () (awhen (session-value 'comet-thread) (kill-comet-thread it)) (setf (session-value 'comet-thread) *current-thread*) (wait-on-semaphore (session-value 'comet-semaphore)) (setf (session-value 'comet-thread) nil) (aif (session-value 'comet-fn) (funcall it))) (defun comet (fn &optional (session *working-session*)) (setf (session-value 'comet-fn session) fn) (signal-semaphore (session-value 'comet-semaphore session)))