(in-package :empire-web) (declaim (optimize (space 0) (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 3))) (defvar *this-file* (load-time-value (or #.*compile-file-pathname* *load-pathname*))) (defvar *this-dir* (make-pathname :host (pathname-host *this-file*) :device (pathname-device *this-file*) :directory (pathname-directory *this-file*))) (defparameter +templates-root+ (namestring *this-dir*)) (defparameter +root-url+ "/eow/") (defparameter +web-root-base+ "/eow") (defparameter +web-root+ (concatenate 'string +web-root-base+ "/")) (defparameter +static-web-root+ (concatenate 'string +web-root+ "static/")) (defparameter +static-files-root+ (concatenate 'string +templates-root+ "static/")) (defparameter +login-page+ (concatenate 'string +static-web-root+ "login.html")) (defparameter +root-page-file+ "root.html") (defun string-starts-with (string prefix) ;; (from Hunchentoot) (let ((mismatch (mismatch string prefix :test #'char=))) (or (null mismatch) (>= mismatch (length prefix))))) (defun serve-static () "Handle a request for a file under static/ directory" (let* ((script-name (hunchentoot:script-name hunchentoot:*request*)) (fname (subseq script-name (length +static-web-root+))) (fullname (concatenate 'string +static-files-root+ fname))) (hunchentoot:handle-static-file fullname))) (defclass session () ((update-queue :accessor update-queue :initform (locked-queue:create) :documentation "Updates to be sent to the browser") (update-thread :accessor update-thread :initform nil :documentation "COMET thread waiting for updates of non-NIL") (connection :accessor connection :documentation "Connection to the empire game server"))) (defun make-session (username password) (let* ((session (make-instance 'session)) (connection (empire:connect :user username :password password :session session))) (setf (slot-value session 'connection) connection) session)) (defgeneric send (session string)) (defgeneric prompt (session string)) (defgeneric data (session message)) (defvar *empire-session*) (defmacro with-session (&body body) `(let ((*empire-session* (hunchentoot:session-value 'session))) (if *empire-session* (progn ,@body) (hunchentoot:redirect +login-page+)))) (defun update () "Send stream of updates to client" (with-session (when (update-thread *empire-session*) (empire-log:info "~a: Killing update thread ~a." *empire-session* (update-thread *empire-session*)) (sb-thread:terminate-thread (update-thread *empire-session*))) (setf (update-thread *empire-session*) sb-thread:*current-thread*) (let ((next-updates (locked-queue:dequeue-all (update-queue *empire-session*)))) ; There's a race here. The next update thread might kill this one before ; sending the reply. (setf (update-thread *empire-session*) nil) (nconc next-updates (list (parenscript:ps* '(next)))) (apply #'concatenate 'string next-updates)))) (defmethod send ((s session) string) "Push a javascript update fragment to the client." (locked-queue:enqueue (update-queue s) string)) (defmethod prompt ((s session) p) (send s (parenscript:ps* `(prompt ,p)))) (defmethod data ((s session) message) (send s (parenscript:ps* `(msg ,message)))) ;; destination of login-form (defun login-action () (handler-case (let* ((user (hunchentoot:post-parameter "username")) (pass (hunchentoot:post-parameter "password")) (session (make-session user pass))) (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'session) session) (empire-log:info "~a: User ~a logging in." session user) (hunchentoot:redirect +root-url+)) (usocket:connection-refused-error (e) (format nil "Connection error: ~a~%" e)))) (defun command-action () (with-session (empire:command (connection *empire-session*) (hunchentoot:get-parameter "q")) "ok")) (defun root-page () (with-session (hunchentoot:handle-static-file (concatenate 'string +static-files-root+ +root-page-file+)))) (defun dispatch (request) (let ((script-name (hunchentoot:script-name request))) (cond ((not (string-starts-with script-name +web-root+)) nil) ; do not handle this request ((string= script-name "/eow/update") 'update) ((string= script-name "/eow/login") 'login-action) ((string= script-name "/eow/command") 'command-action) ((or (string-equal script-name +web-root-base+) (string-equal script-name +web-root+)) 'root-page) ; go to the start page ((string-starts-with script-name +static-web-root+) 'serve-static)))) ; serve static file (defun start () (empire-log:info "Startup") (pushnew 'dispatch hunchentoot:*dispatch-table* :test #'eq))