]> git.pond.sub.org Git - eow/blob - static/dojo-release-1.1.1/dojo/tests/_base/html_box.html
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[eow] / static / dojo-release-1.1.1 / dojo / tests / _base / html_box.html
1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"       "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">\r
2 <!--\r
3         we use a strict-mode DTD to ensure that the box model is the same for these\r
4         basic tests\r
5 -->\r
6 <html>\r
7         <head>\r
8                 <title> test html.js Box utils</title>\r
9                 <style type="text/css">\r
10                         /*@import "../../resources/dojo.css";*/\r
11                 </style>\r
12                 <script type="text/javascript" \r
13                         src="../../dojo.js" \r
14                         djConfig="isDebug: true"></script>\r
15                 <script type="text/javascript">\r
16                         dojo.require("doh.runner");\r
17                         \r
18                         var margin = '1px';\r
19                         var border = '3px solid black';\r
20                         var padding = '5px';\r
21                         var defaultStyles = {\r
22                                 height: '100px',\r
23                                 width: '100px',\r
24                                 position: 'absolute',\r
25                                 backgroundColor: 'red'\r
26                         };\r
27                         \r
28                         var defaultChildStyles = {\r
29                                 height: '20px',\r
30                                 width: '20px',\r
31                                 backgroundColor: 'blue'\r
32                         }\r
33                         \r
34                         var testStyles = [\r
35                                 {},\r
36                                 {margin: margin},\r
37                                 {border: border},\r
38                                 {padding: padding},\r
39                                 {margin: margin, border: border},\r
40                                 {margin: margin, padding: padding},\r
41                                 {border: border, padding: padding},\r
42                                 {margin: margin, border: border, padding: padding}                      \r
43                         ]\r
44                         \r
45                         \r
46                         function sameBox(inBox1, inBox2) {\r
47                                 for (var i in inBox1)\r
48                                         if (inBox1[i] != inBox2[i]) {\r
49                                                 console.log((arguments[2]||'box1') + '.' + i + ': ', inBox1[i], ' != ', (arguments[3]||'box2') + '.' + i + ': ', inBox2[i]);\r
50                                                 return false;\r
51                                         }       \r
52                                 return true;            \r
53                         }\r
54                         \r
55                         function reciprocalMarginBoxTest(inNode, inBox) {\r
56                                 var s = inBox || dojo.marginBox(inNode);\r
57                                 dojo.marginBox(inNode, s);\r
58                                 var e = dojo.marginBox(inNode);\r
59                                 return sameBox(s, e);\r
60                         }\r
61                         \r
62                         function fitTest(inParent, inChild) {\r
63                                 var pcb = dojo.contentBox(inParent);\r
64                                 return reciprocalMarginBoxTest(inChild, pcb);\r
65                         }\r
66                         \r
67                         function createStyledElement(inStyle, inParent, inElement, inNoDefault) {\r
68                                 inStyle = inStyle||{};\r
69                                 if (!inNoDefault) {\r
70                                         for (var i in defaultStyles)\r
71                                                 if (!inStyle[i])\r
72                                                         inStyle[i] = defaultStyles[i];\r
73                                 }                       \r
74                                 var n = document.createElement(inElement || 'div');\r
75                                 (inParent||document.body).appendChild(n);\r
76                                 dojo.mixin(n.style, inStyle);\r
77                                 return n;                               \r
78                         }\r
79                         \r
80                         var _testTopInc = 0;\r
81                         var _testTop = 150;\r
82                         var _testInitTop = 250;\r
83                         function styleIncTop(inStyle) {\r
84                                 inStyle = dojo.mixin({}, inStyle||{});\r
85                                 inStyle.top = (_testInitTop + _testTop*_testTopInc) + 'px';\r
86                                 _testTopInc++;\r
87                                 return inStyle;\r
88                         }\r
89                         \r
90                         function removeTestNode(inNode) {\r
91                                 // leave nodes for inspection or don't return to delete them\r
92                                 return;\r
93                                 inNode = dojo.byId(inNode);\r
94                                 inNode.parentNode.removeChild(inNode);\r
95                                 _testTopInc--;\r
96                         }\r
97                         \r
98                         function testAndCallback(inTest, inAssert, inComment, inOk, inErr) {\r
99                                 inTest.assertTrue('/* ' + inComment +  '*/' + inAssert);\r
100                                 if (inAssert)\r
101                                         inOk&&inOk();\r
102                                 else\r
103                                         inErr&&inErr(); \r
104                         }\r
105                         \r
106                         // args are (styles, parent, element name, no default)\r
107                         function mixCreateElementArgs(inMix, inArgs) {\r
108                                 args = [{}];\r
109                                 if (inArgs&&inArgs[0])\r
110                                         dojo.mixin(args[0], inArgs[0]);\r
111                                 if (inMix.length)\r
112                                         dojo.mixin(args[0], inMix[0]||{});\r
113                                 // parent comes from source\r
114                                 if (inMix.length > 1)\r
115                                         args[1] = inMix[1];\r
116                                 args[2] = inArgs[2];\r
117                                 args[3] = inArgs[3]     \r
118                                 return args;    \r
119                         };\r
120                         \r
121                         function createStyledNodes(inArgs, inFunc) {\r
122                                 for (var i=0, n; (s=testStyles[i]); i++) {\r
123                                         n = createStyledElement.apply(this, mixCreateElementArgs([styleIncTop(s)], inArgs));\r
124                                         inFunc&&inFunc(n);\r
125                                 }       \r
126                         }\r
127                         \r
128                         function createStyledParentChild(inParentArgs, inChildArgs, inFunc) {\r
129                                 for (var i=0, s, p, c; (s=testStyles[i]); i++) {\r
130                                         p = createStyledElement.apply(this, mixCreateElementArgs([styleIncTop(s)], inParentArgs));\r
131                                         c = createStyledElement.apply(this, mixCreateElementArgs([{}, p], inChildArgs));\r
132                                         inFunc&&inFunc(p, c);\r
133                                 }       \r
134                         }\r
135                         \r
136                         function createStyledParentChildren(inParentArgs, inChildArgs, inFunc) {\r
137                                 for (var i=0, s, p; (s=testStyles[i]); i++)\r
138                                         for (var j=0, sc, c, props; (sc=testStyles[j]); j++) {\r
139                                                 p = createStyledElement.apply(this, mixCreateElementArgs([styleIncTop(s)], inParentArgs));\r
140                                                 c = createStyledElement.apply(this, mixCreateElementArgs([sc, p], inChildArgs));\r
141                                                 inFunc&&inFunc(p, c);\r
142                                         }       \r
143                                 \r
144                                 for (var i=0, s, p, c; (s=testStyles[i]); i++) {\r
145                                         p = createStyledElement.apply(this, mixCreateElementArgs([styleIncTop(s)], inParentArgs));\r
146                                         c = createStyledElement.apply(this, mixCreateElementArgs([{}, p], inChildArgs));\r
147                                         inFunc&&inFunc(p, c);\r
148                                 }       \r
149                         }\r
150                         \r
151                         \r
152                         function runFitTest(inTest, inParentStyles, inChildStyles) {\r
153                                 createStyledParentChildren([inParentStyles], [inChildStyles], function(p, c) {\r
154                                         testAndCallback(inTest, fitTest(p, c), '', function() {removeTestNode(p); });\r
155                                 });\r
156                         }\r
157                         \r
158                         dojo.addOnLoad(function(){\r
159                                 doh.register("t", \r
160                                         [\r
161                                                 function reciprocalTests(t) {\r
162                                                         createStyledNodes([], function(n) {\r
163                                                                 testAndCallback(t, reciprocalMarginBoxTest(n), '', function() {removeTestNode(n); });\r
164                                                         });\r
165                                                 },\r
166                                                 function fitTests(t) {\r
167                                                         runFitTest(t, null, dojo.mixin({}, defaultChildStyles));\r
168                                                 },\r
169                                                 function fitTestsOverflow(t) {\r
170                                                         runFitTest(t, null, dojo.mixin({overflow:'hidden'}, defaultChildStyles));\r
171                                                         runFitTest(t, {overflow: 'hidden'}, dojo.mixin({}, defaultChildStyles));\r
172                                                         runFitTest(t, {overflow: 'hidden'}, dojo.mixin({overflow:'hidden'}, defaultChildStyles));\r
173                                                 },\r
174                                                 function fitTestsFloat(t) {\r
175                                                         runFitTest(t, null, dojo.mixin({float: 'left'}, defaultChildStyles));\r
176                                                         runFitTest(t, {float: 'left'}, dojo.mixin({}, defaultChildStyles));\r
177                                                         runFitTest(t, {float: 'left'}, dojo.mixin({float: 'left'}, defaultChildStyles));\r
178                                                 },\r
179                                                 function reciprocalTestsInline(t) {\r
180                                                         createStyledParentChild([], [{}, null, 'span'], function(p, c) {\r
181                                                                 c.innerHTML = 'Hello World';\r
182                                                                 testAndCallback(t, reciprocalMarginBoxTest(c), '', function() {removeTestNode(c); });\r
183                                                         });\r
184                                                 },\r
185                                                 function reciprocalTestsButtonChild(t) {\r
186                                                         createStyledParentChild([], [{}, null, 'button'], function(p, c) {\r
187                                                                 c.innerHTML = 'Hello World';\r
188                                                                 testAndCallback(t, reciprocalMarginBoxTest(c), '', function() {removeTestNode(c); });\r
189                                                         });\r
190                                                 }\r
191                                         ]\r
192                                 );\r
193                                 doh.run();\r
194                         });\r
195                 </script>\r
196                 <style type="text/css">\r
197                         html, body {\r
198                                 padding: 0px;\r
199                                 margin: 0px;\r
200                                 border: 0px;\r
201                         }\r
202                 </style>\r
203         </head>\r
204         <body>\r
205         </body>\r
206 </html>\r
207 \r