]> git.pond.sub.org Git - eow/blob - static/dojo-release-1.1.1/dojox/collections/Queue.js
Comment class stub
[eow] / static / dojo-release-1.1.1 / dojox / collections / Queue.js
1 if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.collections.Queue"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
2 dojo._hasResource["dojox.collections.Queue"] = true;
3 dojo.provide("dojox.collections.Queue");
4 dojo.require("dojox.collections._base");
6 dojox.collections.Queue=function(/* array? */arr){
7         //      summary
8         //      return an object of type dojox.collections.Queue
9         var q=[];
10         if (arr){
11                 q=q.concat(arr);
12         }
13         this.count=q.length;
14         this.clear=function(){
15                 //      summary
16                 //      clears the internal collection
17                 q=[];
18                 this.count=q.length;
19         };
20         this.clone=function(){
21                 //      summary
22                 //      creates a new Queue based on this one
23                 return new dojox.collections.Queue(q);  //      dojox.collections.Queue
24         };
25         this.contains=function(/* object */ o){
26                 //      summary
27                 //      Check to see if the passed object is an element in this queue
28                 for(var i=0; i<q.length; i++){
29                         if (q[i]==o){
30                                 return true;    //      bool
31                         }
32                 }
33                 return false;   //      bool
34         };
35         this.copyTo=function(/* array */ arr, /* int */ i){
36                 //      summary
37                 //      Copy the contents of this queue into the passed array at index i.
38                 arr.splice(i,0,q);
39         };
40         this.dequeue=function(){
41                 //      summary
42                 //      shift the first element off the queue and return it
43                 var r=q.shift();
44                 this.count=q.length;
45                 return r;       //      object
46         };
47         this.enqueue=function(/* object */ o){
48                 //      summary
49                 //      put the passed object at the end of the queue
50                 this.count=q.push(o);
51         };
52         this.forEach=function(/* function */ fn, /* object? */ scope){
53                 //      summary
54                 //      functional iterator, following the mozilla spec.
55                 dojo.forEach(q, fn, scope);
56         };
57         this.getIterator=function(){
58                 //      summary
59                 //      get an Iterator based on this queue.
60                 return new dojox.collections.Iterator(q);       //      dojox.collections.Iterator
61         };
62         this.peek=function(){
63                 //      summary
64                 //      get the next element in the queue without altering the queue.
65                 return q[0];
66         };
67         this.toArray=function(){
68                 //      summary
69                 //      return an array based on the internal array of the queue.
70                 return [].concat(q);
71         };
72 };
74 }