]> git.pond.sub.org Git - eow/blob - static/dojo-release-1.1.1/dojox/collections/_base.js
Comment class stub
[eow] / static / dojo-release-1.1.1 / dojox / collections / _base.js
1 if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.collections._base"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
2 dojo._hasResource["dojox.collections._base"] = true;
3 dojo.provide("dojox.collections._base");
5 dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry=function(/* string */k, /* object */v){
6         //      summary
7         //      return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryEntry
8         this.key=k;
9         this.value=v;
10         this.valueOf=function(){ 
11                 return this.value;      //      object
12         };
13         this.toString=function(){ 
14                 return String(this.value);      //      string 
15         };
16 }
18 /*      Iterators
19  *      The collections.Iterators (Iterator and DictionaryIterator) are built to
20  *      work with the Collections included in this module.  However, they *can*
21  *      be used with arrays and objects, respectively, should one choose to do so.
22  */
23 dojox.collections.Iterator=function(/* array */arr){
24         //      summary
25         //      return an object of type dojox.collections.Iterator
26         var a=arr;
27         var position=0;
28         this.element=a[position]||null;
29         this.atEnd=function(){
30                 //      summary
31                 //      Test to see if the internal cursor has reached the end of the internal collection.
32                 return (position>=a.length);    //      bool
33         };
34         this.get=function(){
35                 //      summary
36                 //      Get the next member in the collection.
37                 if(this.atEnd()){
38                         return null;            //      object
39                 }
40                 this.element=a[position++];
41                 return this.element;    //      object
42         };
43         this.map=function(/* function */fn, /* object? */scope){
44                 //      summary
45                 //      Functional iteration with optional scope.
46                 return dojo.map(a, fn, scope);
47         };
48         this.reset=function(){
49                 //      summary
50                 //      reset the internal cursor.
51                 position=0;
52                 this.element=a[position];
53         };
54 }
56 /*      Notes:
57  *      The DictionaryIterator no longer supports a key and value property;
58  *      the reality is that you can use this to iterate over a JS object
59  *      being used as a hashtable.
60  */
61 dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator=function(/* object */obj){
62         //      summary
63         //      return an object of type dojox.collections.DictionaryIterator
64         var a=[];       //      Create an indexing array
65         var testObject={};
66         for(var p in obj){
67                 if(!testObject[p]){
68                         a.push(obj[p]); //      fill it up
69                 }
70         }
71         var position=0;
72         this.element=a[position]||null;
73         this.atEnd=function(){
74                 //      summary
75                 //      Test to see if the internal cursor has reached the end of the internal collection.
76                 return (position>=a.length);    //      bool
77         };
78         this.get=function(){
79                 //      summary
80                 //      Get the next member in the collection.
81                 if(this.atEnd()){
82                         return null;            //      object
83                 }
84                 this.element=a[position++];
85                 return this.element;    //      object
86         };
87         this.map=function(/* function */fn, /* object? */scope){
88                 //      summary
89                 //      Functional iteration with optional scope.
90                 return dojo.map(a, fn, scope);
91         };
92         this.reset=function() { 
93                 //      summary
94                 //      reset the internal cursor.
95                 position=0; 
96                 this.element=a[position];
97         };
98 };
100 }